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Re: exim4 Verizon smtp auth

On Sun, Feb 13, 2005 at 10:33:39PM -0500, Jason Allison wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am not having any luck properly configuring exim4 to work as a smarthost
> and smtp auth through outgoing.verizon.net.  I have tried a number of
> recommended changes to exim4.conf.template.  what I am trying to do is three
> fold I guess.  I am stuck at number 1.  Please help :).  After each change
> made I execute:  invoke-rc.d exim4 reload
> 1.  Be able to send mail through outgoing.verizon.net on my debian box

My exim4 configuration has the following to do authentication:

### transport/30_exim4-config_remote_smtp
# This transport is used for delivering messages over SMTP connections.
  debug_print = "T: remote_smtp for $local_part@$domain"
  driver = smtp
  hosts_try_auth = DCsmarthost

# To use SMTP AUTH when sending to your smarthost, uncomment the above line,
# "hosts_try_auth = DCsmarthost" and add the necessary information (password,
# etc.) to the passwd.client file.
# /usr/share/doc/exim4-base/README.SMTP-AUTH
# client side authentication for outgoing.verizon.net
# They get the passwords from CONFDIR/smtp-passwd.

# Setup for client side authentication to verizon for multiple users,
# each with a separate password: To make the lookup function work
# set up a file, /etc/exim4/smtp-passwd, of userIDs, usernames and passwords.
# /etc/exim/smtp-passwd is owned by root.Debian-exim with mode 0640 so
# that passwords are not stored in a world readable file. The format
# of the file is:
# userID1:    ^username1^password1
# userID2:    ^username2^password2
#  etc.
# where usernameX and passwordX are the login name and password on the
# verizon, and userIDX is the uid of the message originator on localhost.

  driver = plaintext
  public_name = PLAIN
  client_send = "${lookup{$originator_uid}lsearch{CONFDIR/smtp-passwd}{$value}fail}"
[end of exim4config]

/etc/exim4/smtp-passwd looks like:

# This is /etc/exim4/smtp-passwd. It is not part of the exim package.
# This file contains passwords to use for SMTP authentication for outgoing mail.
# It should contain lines of the form:
#originator_uid: ^username^password

1000:          ^jracksjr^************
1001:          ^meacks^**************

> 2.  Configre my debian box as a smtp auth relay for my (and my wives) M$
> machines

My setup doesn't do this.

> 3.  Configure my debian box to retreive mail for myself and my wife from
> incoming.verizon.net and configure our m$ machines to retreive from it
> (IMAP/POP3?).

I use fetchmail running in daemon mode to do this. /etc/fetchmailrc is
owned by fetchmail.root, mode 0600 and reads something like:

set postmaster "xxxx"
set bouncemail
set no spambounce
set properties ""
set daemon 600
poll incoming.verizon.net with proto POP3
       user 'jracksjr' there with password '*************' is 'xxxx' here
poll incoming.verizon.net with proto POP3
       user 'meacks' there with password '*************' is 'yyyy' here

> I have updated passwd.client:
> [code]
> ### CONFDIR/passwd.client
> #
> # Format:
> #targetmailserver.example:login:password
> #
> # default entry:
> ### *:bar:foo
> outgoing.verizon.net:jasonallison:mypasswd
> [/code]
> my /etc/email-addresses:
> [code]
> debian-username: jasonallison@verizon.net
> [/code]
> I have attempted changing in exim4.conf.template:
> <   hosts_try_auth = ${if exists {CONFDIR/passwd.client}{DCsmarthost}{}}
> >   hosts_require_auth = ${if exists {CONFDIR/passwd.client}{DCsmarthost}{}}
> As well as updating (uncommenting each of these sections in
> exim4.conf.template and variations of):
> [code]
>  plain_server:
>    driver = plaintext
>    public_name = PLAIN
>    server_condition = "${if
> crypteq{$3}{${extract{1}{:}{${lookup{$2}lsearch{CONFDIR/passwd}{$value}{*:*}
> }}}}{1}{0}}"
>    server_set_id = $2
>    server_prompts = :
>  login_server:
>    driver = plaintext
>    public_name = LOGIN
>    server_prompts = "Username:: : Password::"
>    server_condition = "${if
> crypteq{$2}{${extract{1}{:}{${lookup{$1}lsearch{CONFDIR/passwd}{$value}{*:*}
> }}}}{1}{0}}"
>    server_set_id = $1
> [/code]
> here is my update-exim4.conf.conf:
> [code]
> dc_eximconfig_configtype='smarthost'
> dc_other_hostnames=''
> dc_local_interfaces=''
> dc_readhost=''
> dc_relay_domains=''
> dc_minimaldns='false'
> dc_relay_nets=''
> dc_smarthost='outgoing.verizon.net'
> dc_use_split_config='false'
> dc_hide_mailname='false'
> [/code]
> I have gotten a number of different error messages:
> 2005-02-13 19:26:31 1D0U4N-0000Jv-Mp <= jasonallison@verizon.net U=jallison
> P=local S=197195
> 2005-02-13 19:26:32 1D0U4N-0000Jv-Mp ** valid@emailaddress R=smarthost
> T=remote_smtp_smarthost: SMTP error from remote mailer after MAIL
> FROM:<jasonallis
> on@verizon.net> SIZE=201272: host outgoing.verizon.net []: 553
> Authentication is required to send mail as <jasonallison@verizon.net>
> 2005-02-13 19:26:32 1D0U4O-0000Jy-Fi <= <> R=1D0U4N-0000Jv-Mp U=Debian-exim
> P=local S=107898
> 2005-02-13 19:26:32 1D0U4N-0000Jv-Mp Completed
> 2005-02-13 19:26:39 1D0U4O-0000Jy-Fi ** jasonallison@verizon.net R=smarthost
> T=remote_smtp_smarthost: SMTP error from remote mailer after end of data:
> host ou
> tgoing.verizon.net []: 554 Authentication Required
> 2005-02-13 19:26:39 1D0U4O-0000Jy-Fi Frozen (delivery error message)
> 2005-02-13 20:45:53 1D0VJA-0000cY-Fw == valid@emailaddress R=smarthost
> T=remote_smtp_smarthost defer (-42): authentication required but
> authentication at
> tempt(s) failed
> 2005-02-13 20:59:46 1D0V5B-0000cC-0p == valid@emailaddress R=smarthost
> T=remote_smtp_smarthost defer (-53): retry time not reached for any host
> Thanks in advance,
> Jason


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