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Re: woody->sarge i386 (lilo?) upgrade woes

From: Clive Menzies <clive@clivemenzies.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 16:39:15 +0000

On (14/02/05 13:51), Josh Narins wrote:
> Dear, dear debian users,
> What I did.
>  Upgrade from Woody to Sarge on x86.
>  Ignored "update your lilo" message.
>  Network disconnected right as upgrade was nearing completion.
>  I rebooted.
> Symptoms
>  Boot no longer has lilo boot menu
>  Boot prints outs "Verifying DMI Pool Data ......."  then a line that
> begins "LI" and hangs.
> Booting from CD (3.0r1 Binary1) results in "Verifying DMI Pool Data ...."
> "Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM: Failure ...." and then the "LI" line.
> Assets:
>  A friend's windows machine,
>  a CD Burner, and
>  the debian-user list.
> Thanks in advance for helping restore my mail and webserver,
Hi Josh

You could try downloading Mepis (or Knoppix), boot off the live CD and
mount your root directory, then edit your lilo.conf file with the
correct kernel parameters .... if you 'ls -l /boot, you should see which
kernel to boot off.



Thanks, Clive. Turned out there was a floppy-writer available, and a rescue.bin and root.bin have been created.

Now the trick is finding a webpage that describes the new lilo configuratiion, since the old one seems to dominate.

However, I'll do that away from debian-user, since it almost seems trivial now.

If you do have any critical news, simply e-mail me directly.

Thanks again, especially for the bandwidth/eyetime,

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