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Re: Debian List for Idiot Debian Users - seriously.

On Mon, 2005-02-14 at 02:40 -0300, Nicolas Patik wrote:
> What do you want from debian/linux?
> Do you want to *learn* linux? or do you want to *use* linux?
> If you want to use linux, maybe you can try with a user friendly
> distro like mandrake.
> If you want to learn linux, you have to study and be patient. Don't
> try to learn in a week, make yourself a learning plan. A good starting
> point is http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/

I strongly second this advice. The first time I sat down at a fresh
debian install and looked at the command prompt on vc1, I drew an utter
blank over what to do next :/ I rebooted into my mandrake install, wiped
out the debian partition, and over the next few months I completed the
LFS install several times, and even walked through the gnome from
scratch install. 

The actual LFS install was trivial -- cut and paste, cut and paste, cut
and paste: but if you watch what you're doing and google what you don't
understand, you will learn an incredible amount about how a linux
distribution is put together in a very short time.

Six months or so later, I reinstalled debian, dove right in, and haven't
looked back.

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