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Re: Keyboard doesn't work on first start

On Mon, Feb 14, 2005 at 08:07:54AM +0000, Andrew Ingram wrote:
> Hi list.
> Having a problem with a server I have. It's running Sid with KDE and a
> 2.6 kernel. Basically, I did an upgrade on it over the weekend which was
> the first it had had in over a year. Everything went fine apart from I
> lost the keyboard on first boot when X/kdm kicked in. I had mouse, but
> mouse buttons were sometimes flakey, and no keyboard, although maybe 1
> in 100 characters wold appear (sometimes). I managed to fix the problem
> by ssh'ing in from another box, and running /etc/init.d/kdm
> stop;/etc/init.d/kdm start and everything would be fine. No changes to
> config files, nothing, just restarting X/kdm. Does anyone have any idea
> what might be going on here? It's pretty annoying to have to do that
> every time I reboot.

I had the same problem some days ago. Found this which solved my problem



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