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Re: Still can't get mplayer to play Car Talk!

> As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm using the current unstable
> version of mplayer-k6 from ftp.nerim.net and all the relevant packages.
> When I try to play Car Talk with mplayer, it caches but then dies with
> this error:
> The cook.so.6.0 file exists on my system (/usr/lib/win32/cook.so.6.0:
> ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), stripped)
> but not the other two.
> What do I have to do to get mplayer to find and use this codec?!  (It
> used to work and mysteriously stopped a few weeks ago.)

I finally figured this out.  For some unknown reason, there was an
empty file at "~/.mplayer/codecs.conf", which mplayer read by default
-- then it ignored "/etc/mplayers/codecs.conf".  Copying the latter to
the former fixed the problem; so did deleting the former.

But I don't know why that empty file mysteriously appeared!

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