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Re: Making donation$ to Debian

On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 09:38:37PM +0100, Sven Arvidsson wrote:
> The SPI donations page only says:
>     Donations in Europe can be done through our partner in Germany, ffis
>     e.V. If you are interested in using their bank account (to save
>     international money transfer costs), please check the instructions
>     for donating to ffis e.V..
> And thats not very convenient.

It's convenient enough for me. That paragraph contains a link to
http://www.ffis.de/Verein/spi-en.html. All numbers that you would ever
need are mentioned there. Sure, a page where you just leave your
credit card number and specify an amount of money would be easier. But
now you just take the info presented there and go to your own bank and
transfer money like you always do - via their Internet site or fill
out a paper form or visit their office or whatever. The bank account
for the FFIS is in Germany, so when you are outside of that country
you may need another form than you are used to. But in most cases the
IBAN number mentioned should be sufficient. Not too difficult I would
say. I did it some time (too long... :-/) ago without a problem. Like
mentioned on the page I emailed Martin Schulze that money was on its
way and he mailed back some time later that it had been received. It
works just fine as far as I'm concerned.

I'm from the Netherlands. Banking systems across the world are
probably quite different, so your mileage may vary.

If someone knows another way - next to the current one - to donate
that may be more convenient for other people so more money comes in,
that would be wonderful.

Anyone in favour of buying a full page ad in the New York Times once
Sarge becomes Stable? ;-)

Maurits van Rees | http://maurits.vanrees.org/ [Dutch/Nederlands] 
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