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Re: reclaiming space from redmond!

Hi Prash,
I have not read the thread from the beguinning, but if I understood you correctly you are willing to give up "D" (or /dev/hda7, if you prefer)to linux completly. One easy way to (maybe) solve your problem was to reuse /dev/hda7 as a ext2/ext3 partition and put it to use carrying for instance all you have in /usr/local or even /usr. See what I mean?

You would need to
1 - fdisk /dev/hda to change /dev/hda7 type from ntfs/fat to Linux
2 - mkext2.fs (mkfs.ext2?)  or  mkfs.ext2 -j  (for ext3)
3 - mount /dev/hda7 as /mnt/new_drive (for instance)
4 - copy your "/whatever" contents to /mnt/new_drive
5 - umount /mnt/new_drive
6 - edit fstab to add "/mnt/hda7 /whatever"
7 - rm -rf /whatever/*
8 - mount "/whatever"

Here when I talk about "whatever" is /usr/local or /usr, for instance

Do you think this will do the trick for you? No need to merge partitions this way.

Hope this helps,
Joao Clemente

Prashanth Narayanan wrote:
thanks for the responses!
i can find out the exact name of the partition (i am pretty sure it is
here is teh reason for all this: my /usr/local is going to run out of
space pretty soon (and by that i mean that my root partition, "/", currently mounted on /dev/hda5 is nearly full: 83%) and i haven't even
installed half the software i want! boo hoo!!!
now my question is actually this: i have already mounted the d:drive
and i can write to it if i want to - but this is not what i want. i
actually want to increase the root partition size and "merge" these
two partitions.
maybe i am asking for too much (or maybe there is a workaround)
bottomline: i need more space on "/" (root of linux installation) or a
workaround where i could somehow virtually "join" two partitions so
debian would treat them as one big "/" folder.
any pointers?

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