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Re: Re: free vs commercial; open vs proprietary is better dichotomy

On Tue, Jan 11, 2005 at 10:01:33AM +0800, Jianan wrote:
> "The details of a comparison between Debian/GNU/Linux and similarly
> produced software with Windows etc. is largely foolish."
Would you mind attributing your quotes?
> I foot to that. This subject requires in-depth knowledge of the complicated 
> underlying details. This is a discourse which requires both extensive and 
> intensive knowledge. This is not a con game, where you can talk your way out 
> by being loud and confident. You must have the in-depth knowledge and the 
> experience.R&D, Product development, support services experience would be a 
> plus.
What is not a con game?  Getting people to use your software?  I 
think Microsoft have done very well with this game.  Or do you mean 
a serious evaluation of the differences?  Yes, foolish, academic, 
impossible, who's going to listen?
> "Now there is no doubt that it will survive."
> This is not a foregone conclusion yet. Its improving because 'free' has become 
> commercialised such as RH, SuSe, etc. and big businesses e.g. IBM, and 
> government, are getting involved. Leaving it completely to free hands, it will 
> die.
Purely anecdotal evidence from Germany, where I happen to live, is 
that Debian is enjoying increasing acceptance, probably as a result 
of the popularity of Knoppix, Ubuntu & Co.  

Big businesses are a Bad Thing, okay.  I don't know if there's a 
conspiracy to kill off free software, but if not, they've seen 
where the public interest lies and they've accommodated to it.  If 
you want whole-grain muesli or phosphate-free detergent and Unilever 
provides it, take it.
> "It is sort of like English and French languages"
> Wrong analogy. Both languages develop with government as well as commercial 
> push. They are not worked out by individuals in their own free time.
The French government pushes its language and civilisation because 
it's on the defensive.  Individuals in their own free time choose to 
learn English because it helps their career prospects in a world 
where trade is dominated by English-speaking countries whose 
inhabitants are too lazy, busy or simply unable to learn another 
language.  You so-called "commercial push" is simply market forces.


David Jardine

"Running Debian GNU/Linux and
loving every minute of it." -Sacher M.

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