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word wrapping of postings (was: How do I stop the Xserver?)

bing yu wrote:
> this mail is out of topic but concern  column 72 when we send a message
> in mutt.
> Bob Proulx wrote:
> > Suggestion:  Please word wrap your text at column 72 and your postings
> > will be much more readable.
> how to do this? by hit ENTER ? 

Word wrapping would be a function of your client programs so usually
hitting enter is not needed.  But in the worse case, yes, hit enter.
That is the oldest method prior to having software format your text
for you and it still works.  It is just tedious.

I am using emacs and word wrapping is a native function there called
'auto-fill-mode'.  I am in that mode automatically whenever I am
editing text.  The possibilites are endless because every program may
do it differently.  In vi it is called 'wraplen'.

I could not determine from your mail headers what mailer you were
using which makes it hard for me to guess how you should do this on
your system.  If you say what mailer client and editor you are using
then we on the list can propose configurations to do word wrapping

The reason that column 72 is often suggested is that it gives space to
the right for quoting of replies.  The "> " pushes things to the right
and so a little space there is required or it overruns the end of the
terminal line.


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