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Re: .bash_profile problems under gnome

Incoming from Adam Siepel:
> Hi -- I'm using gdm, gnome, and bash, and can't seem to get things set up
> so my .bash_profile gets read properly upon login.  I've seen some messages
> on various lists that advised explicitly sourcing .bash_profile in
> .xsession for proper startup -- problem is related to Xsession being run as
> /bin/sh rather than /bin/bash, I think.  This seems like kind of an awkward
> soln, but I can live with it.  Now I'm finding, though, that my .xsession
> *also* doesn't seem to be getting read, despite that everything seems to be
> in order (/etc/X11/Xsession okay, no ~/.Xsession in the way,
> allow-user-xsession in Xsession.options, etc.).

How X starts up can be a mystery.  I use "startx" which uses my
~/.xsession.  Others do the same and report ~/.xsession is ignored in
favour of ~/.xinitrc.

With that in mind, change the file in question.  The first line should

  #!/bin/bash --login

which will make it a login shell, and your bash startup files will be
sourced.  The file in question must be made executable (ie., chmod 755 ~/.xsession).  

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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