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Re: apt-get: mixed system

Luis R Finotti <finotti@math.ucsb.edu> writes:

> Dear all,
> I am trying to install a program (gphoto2) from the testing distribution
> in my stable system.  I tried to follow the instructions on 
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-apt-get#s-default-version
> First I noticed that I did not have a "/etc/apt/apt.conf" file.  So I
> created one with (only) the line
> APT::Default-Release "stable";

Nope, stop, take out your /etc/apt/apt.conf if all you were using it
for was to try pinning.  If you're using stable, *apt-pinning is
considered harmful*.  */You run a very good chance of breaking your
system if you try to run stable and pin from newer versions./* This
has been discussed ad-nauseum, ad-infinitum in the archives.

Go to http://backports.org/ to find what you need instead, and if it's
not there, look specifically for stable or woody versions of software
on http://www.apt-get.org/ .  Don't mix testing or unstable with
stable, the base system in stable is built around a much older libc
and perl than what testing and unstable has, thus *things will break
if you try*.

Unless you have a thorough understanding of the packaging system, you
can do more harm than good toying with how it resolves dependencies.

Paul Johnson
Linux.  You can find a worse OS, but it costs more.

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