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Re: woody to sarge?

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On Monday 19 April 2004 08:35 am, Sarunas wrote:
> Sven Hoexter wrote:
> | On Mon, Apr 19, 2004 at 11:59:41AM -0400, Sarunas wrote:
> |
> | Hi,
> |
> |>What would be the proper way of upgrading a Debian system (2.4
> |> kernel, sendmail, apache, mysql) from Woody to Sarge?
> |>
> |>Is editing /etc/apt/sources.list (replacing stable with sarge) and
> |>apt-get updating + upgrading supposed to do the job?
> |
> | Yes it is. Hope you know what you're doing with all consequenzes.
> Thanks. I _hope_ I know. We are using sarge elsewhere (workstations,
> test/backup servers), but not on main servers. At some point, when
> sarge approaches or turns into stable, we would like to have servers
> in sarge too, one reason being changing to 2.6 too, the latter
> probably being not an elegant move in woody. The question is whether
> it is satisfactory in terms of system consistency to upgrade
> (woody->sarge), or maybe it's better to reinstall with sarge from
> scratch.
> | Anyway if you would only like to update several packages thing
> | about backports(.org). Or make yourself familar with pinning.
> pinning?---any hints?
> Thanks,
> Sarunas

I would use the suggestion of changing the sources to point to sarge. 
'dist-upgrade' is what you want to use, though I also run dselect 
afterwards, seems like there are a few obsolete packages left to clean 
up. No need to reinstall.

- -- 
Greg Madden
Debian GNU/Linux user
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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