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Re: distcc & dpkg-buildpackage

On Sat, Apr 17, 2004 at 10:17:58PM -0700, ms419@freezone.co.uk wrote:
> Is anyone successfully using "distcc" with "dpkg-buildpackage"?
> I tried:
> ---
> MAKE="make -j4" CC=distcc DISTCC_HOSTS="localhost kas" dpkg-buildpackage
> ---
> but "distcc" wasn't used : (

Frequently the package's build scripts will override anything you set
for things like CC and CFLAGS. If the overriding takes place in
debian/rules (most of the time it does), you can simply edit
debian/rules before running dpkg-buildpackage. If it takes place in
the actual Makefiles, though, either you've got to do a lot of tedious
editing, or you can do something gross but functional like making
/usr/bin/gcc a wrapper around the real compiler.


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