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udev, autofs & module loading

Does anyone use udev and autofs? If so how did you get it to work?

I have the following in /etc/auto.misc

cdrom    -fstype=iso9660,ro,sync,nodev,nosuid :/dev/hdc
udfcdrom -fstype=udf,ro,sync,nodev,nosuid     :/dev/hdc
floppy   -fstype=vfat,sync,nodev,nosuid       :/dev/fd0
usbpen   -fstype=vfat,sync,nodev,nosuid       :/dev/sda1

If I load the modules for say my cdrom (ide-cd) then

cd /mnt/cdrom

works as expected and the cdrom is mounted. But if the module hasn't
been loaded then this fails

bash: cd: /mnt/cdrom: No such file or directory

because the device /dev/hdc does not exist yet and neither hotplug nor
udev creates it.

Is there away around this without adding the modules to /etc/modules?

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you
nothing. It was here first." -- Mark Twain

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