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some difficulties with gnuplot 3.8 k patchlevel 1

I am using debian testing. I installed the latest gnuplot package available in testing. I am facing some problems with this version. Does anyone have solutions for this...

1) I am not able to access history from previous sessions. I heard this is possible in new version of gnuplot. The cygwin version does this by default. But I dont see anysuch feature in the debian package. Do I need to turn on some option for this behaviour?

2) I do not have file name completion working when gnuplot is run interactively. This feature was available in previous versions (3.7.3) where If I hit a tab, file completion works.

3) when I execute the all.dem, there are some errors. Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

$ cd /usr/share/doc/gnuplot-doc/examples

$ ls all*

$ gnuplot

       G N U P L O T
       Version 3.8k patchlevel 1
       last modified Sat Feb 21 19:56:07 CET 2004
       System: Linux 2.4.23-1-386

gnuplot> load 'all.dem'
******************** file simple.dem ********************
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
******************** file controls.dem ********************
Hit return to continue
******************** file electron.dem ********************
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
Hit return to continue
******************** file using.dem ********************

gnuplot> plot 'using.dat' using 2:4 title "Logged in" with impulses, 'using.dat' using 2:4 title "Logged in" with points
        can't read data file "using.dat"
        "using.dem", line 12: util.c: No such file or directory


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