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Re: winscp like program on linux?


Kamaraju Kusumanchi (<kk288@cornell.edu>) wrote:

> I am looking for a GUI based program to transfer files between linux
> machines. The GUI is really useful if the filenames are tough to
> remember. Can some one tell me If there is any program like winscp 
> available in debian testing? winscp is great on windows but does not
> work under linux.
> I have tried gftp. It's great if both machines run ftp. But if the
> machines does not run ftp then it does not work.

As far as I can see gftp supports sftp, which should be available if scp
works. It is a ftp server with encrypted connections that comes with
the openssh server. On Debian Woody it is activated by default if the
ssh server is activated. The settings in gftp can be found in the FTP
menu => options => SSH.

> I have also tried konqueror with the sftp:// protocol. It works great
> except that I have to open two konqueror windows each time I want to
> transfer a directory etc.,

Konqueror can be configured to use a split layout like the Midnight
Commander or many ftp clients have. I think that layout is predefined.
Check the settings menu and look for something like "load profile".

best regards
        Andreas Janssen

Andreas Janssen <andreas.janssen@bigfoot.com>
PGP-Key-ID: 0xDC801674
Registered Linux User #267976

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