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Re: [OT] Microsoft's teeny punishment by the EU

On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 07:28:31PM -0500, ScruLoose wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 23, 2004 at 07:37:10AM -0800, Number Six wrote:
> > Even though I still have a bunch of stock, and I'm a linux lover now, so 
> > I cheer if it goes up and I cheer if it goes down, I was expecting 
> > Europe to really nail Microsoft to the wall.  I dunno, I expected some 
> > surrogate America-bashing, or just a really f-you to an American 
> > company.  Even though it's a record for the EU, it's a pittance to 
> > Microsoft and will be barely noticed.
> > 
> > What happened?  Do they just have not much power?  Why so light?
> My understanding is that the main point of the ruling was not so much 
> the dollar amount of the fine, but the ruling that MS must unbundle 
> Media Player AND open up all the undocumented 'features' and 'standards' 
> in Windows so that competitors' apps get a level playing field.

Yes. Though it was on the BBC six o'clock news tonight, and they
didn't mention that bit at all... just the fine and the Media Player

The headline was "War on Windows"!


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