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Re: Printing from mozilla with cups

On Tue, 2004-03-23 at 04:31, David P James wrote:

> Actually it didn't sound like a driver problem to me but rather a 
> problem with Mozilla itself in the quality of postscript it is spitting 
> out (try printing to file and examining the resulting file with 
> [k]ghostview or the like. Are you using a Debianized Mozilla or one 
> straight from mozilla.org?
> Once you do get it working it is still worth using kprinter/qtcups since 
> they are far more useful than Mozilla's own dialog.
> -- 
> David P James
> Ottawa, Ontario
> http://david.jamesnet.ca

I think you are right.  I looked at an output file in ghostview and it
looks the same as my printout.

I am using debian mozilla.
gm:~>apt-show-versions mozilla-browser
mozilla-browser/testing uptodate 2:1.5-3


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