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Re: NIS Client Problem

> I'm trying to join a Debian(Woody) machine to a NIS network.

Did you look at /usr/share/doc/nis/nis.debian.howto.gz ? Did you
follow it ? :-) Are you trying to add it as a client or a slave server?
What OS is the NIS server?

> I'm getting the "YPBINDPROC_DOMAIN: Domain not bound" error on startup.
> Is there any logfile I can look into to try to debug this? Any routines
> I can try to see how /etc/init.d/nis or /usr/sbin/ypbind is trying to
> find the NIS server?

If the above-mentioned nis.debian.howto doesn't help then maybe take
a look at http://tinyurl.com/2czht which contains the instructions
I used for *my* machines. It's not meant to be a HOWTO for anybody
except me, but it may give you some hints.

If all that fails, then can you post the contents of /etc/yp*,
/etc/defaultdomain, /etc/default/nis? (without all the comment lines
preferrably), like with:

    for F in /etc/yp* /etc/defaultdomain /etc/default/nis; do 
        echo "$F"
        echo "===================="
        egrep -v '^#|^$' "$F"


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