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Re: Gnome completely broken: no characters appear!

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Christophe Combelles wrote:
| Christophe Combelles wrote:
|> Since this morning, after a dist-upgrade on Sid, I cannot use Gnome
|> anymore.
|> Everything is OK while on gdm, but after Gnome is started, it cannot
|> display ANY character in the UI. I see the icons, but NO TEXT.
|> If I start KDE, I have no problem.
|> If I start any gtk application from KDE, no problem
|> The problem only occurs after gnome-settings-daemon is started:
|> Has anybody seen this too ?
| I could recover by doing the following:
| start KDE,
| start gnome-fonts-properties,
| disable everything (antialiasing, hinter, etc...)
| restart gnome
| reenable antialising,
| restart gnome.
| strange...

Thank you, I've got my Gnome desktop back and I'm a happy man.

I noticed while making the changes in gnome-font-properties that the DPI
value was 50, whereas for my setup it should have been 112.

- --
Andy Ruddock
- ------------
Senior Software Developer (andy.ruddock@minnesund.net)
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