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Webmin and Apache questions.......

 Well when I try to hit http://ipaddress:10000/ I get this:

Error - Bad Request

This web server is running in SSL mode. Try the URL https://ipaddress:10000/ instead.
Yea, it's port 443 for ssl connections.

>>> "S.D.A." <dallan@rogers.com> 3/12/2004 3:12:17 PM >>>
On Fri, Mar 12, 2004 at 12:06:25PM -0500 or thereabouts, Ralph Crongeyer wrote:
> Hi all,

> First, I'm new to Debian Linux.

> I just installed Debian this morning (Sarge) and after the install
> (which went without problems) I installed apache, libapache-mod-ssl and
> webmin.

> Apache is running but it won't go into encryped mode. When I try to
> https://ipaddress/  I get:

> "The connection refused when attempting to contact ipaddress."

> It's like it's not listining on port 443 ?

> What do I need to do to get it working?

> Also I can start and stop webmin with no problems but when I try to
> connect to https://ipaddress:10000/ I get:

> "The connection refused when attempting to contact ipaddress."

> It's like it's not listining on port 10000 ?

Well, since you're having problems with ssl, try the same URL without
the https, just http://ipaddress:10000/.

BTW doesn't Apache listen on port 8080 for ssl? I've never heard of it
using port 443 -- But I could be wrong.

  Friday Mar 12 2004 03:06:01 PM EST
Big M, Little M, many mumbling mice
Are making midnight music in the moonlight,
Mighty nice!

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