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Re: Curious about AOL users and this list

On Thu, 2004-03-11 at 14:48, Derrick 'dman' Hudson wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 04:07:15PM -0600, John Hasler wrote:
> | Kent writes:
> | > I stand corrected. And surprised. I really thought they were all
> | > auto-gens.
> | 
> | I guess they passed the inverse Turing test.
> What is the inverse Turing test?
> -D

The Turing test (Alan Turing) is, simply put, a test to see if one can
pick the the machine from among several human conversationalists in a
blind encounter (Conversing via IM or a chat room). Supposedly, if one
cannot distinguish a machine from the humans, it can be considered truly

An inverse Turing test might be to have a bunch of bots post confused
messages to a mailing list. If one cannot identify the human among them,
then that individual can be considered truly stupid. :o)


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