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Checking Exim4 for being open relay server?


I'm just migrating from a redhat 7.2 sendmail server to a debian woody
Exim 4 server, at the moment the server is on a restricted internal ip
range, so it's not open to the wild yet, 
Can anyone tell me of the best way to check to make sure 100% that it is
not an open relay, reading the official exim4 book and the man pages, it
would seem that it is setup ok (but I cannot be 100% sure). 

I could use orbs, but that would mean it would have to go into the wild,
and if it is, they would put it in their db as an open relay.

Are there any debian packages in the pool, that I can apt-get, to use?


Microsoft's version of 'integration' is: 
	"When IE crashes, it takes Windows with it..." 

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