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Re: ps - complete username

s. keeling wrote:

> Incoming from VEGH Karoly:
> > 
> > pls CC: me, I'm currently offlist.
> Check the archives then.

wow, friendly.

> > atsrvlx03:/opt/dev/tomcat# COLUMNS=76 ps aux | grep ^tom
> > tomcat-  14137  0.2  0.9 236668 30688 pts/0  S    14:37   0:04 /opt/java/cur
> > 
> > I would like to see the complete username in the ps output.
> Looking at the ps manpage, I can see a number of ways to get that.
> Select processes by (E)UID, change the output format, ...

hey man, wtf you think I did up to now?

have you tried it? If yes, would it have been hard to show it?
If not, why do you spam the list with zero-info messages?

bss@atsrvlx03:~$ ps --width 200 --cols 200 --columns 200 -eo euser,tt,user,fuser,euser | fgrep -e tomcat -e devtest | uniq
tomcat-  ?        tomcat-  tomcat-  tomcat-dev
devtest  pts/1    devtest  devtest  devtestuser

that's imho some column prob, but no idea how to get the first one wider.

bss@atsrvlx03:~$ export COLUMNS=300
bss@atsrvlx03:~$ ps --width 300 --cols 300 --columns 300 -eo euser,tt,user,fuser,euser | fgrep -e tomcat -e devtest | uniq
tomcat-  ?        tomcat-  tomcat-  tomcat-dev
devtest  pts/1    devtest  devtest  devtestuser


Végh Károly -  System Engineer - UTA - TIS.SAS.BSS
"There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX.
 We don't believe this to be a coincidence." 
 				- Jeremy S. Anderson

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