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Problems with Intel® Server SE7501WV2 & SCSI HOST RAID

Hi there,

I've got a big problem and I hope some smart guys from here can help me fix

I'm recently preparing a server for our data center. The server is a
SE7501WV2 Board from Intel with HostRaid and 2 internal 10/100/1000Mbit
cards. I use 2 * 37 Gb SCSI disk with RAID-1. More infos here

So I fired up the Debian CD and started the installation. Before the server
was sent here, it was tested with SuSe, so I thought that the drivers for
scsi and the net adapters might be also on the Debian-CD, but I was
completly wrong.

After googling around a little bit I found the page with the scsi drivers.
It's here


I rubbed my eyes in disbelieve, RH, SuSe, but where is Debian :-(
Fortunately there're also the sources for this driver. So I'm not left in
the cold completly.

After that I searched for the net-adapter drivers. I found something here.
The driver is for kernels > 2.4 and it seems that it is already a module?
Could somebody confirm that for me please?


Okay, now my questions (and also suggestions):

1. How can I compile the sources for the HostRaid card, so that I can
provide it to the installation routine?

2. If 1. is not the way how to do this, what else can I do? Recompile a
kernel on another system?

3. If I compile a kernel on another system, how can I start with this
kernel, to get my raid activated?

4. If 1. is the way to do it, how can I build a floppy disc, or cd-rom, to
provide the compiled module to my installation?

To be honest, this part of Debian is quite new to me, I build some kernels
on my own, but never had to use special modules or source codes, this was
all standard stuff.

So any help, suggestion and also manuals, websites, etc on this topic are
greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your help,

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