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Re: unexplained network problems

Marty Landman <MLandman@face2interface.com> writes:
>> I now see that the driver only writes information about transmission
>> errors when its debug flag is set higher than the
> Where do you see that Kevin? And since I suspect an ongoing problem
> would it make sense for me to change this to possibly capture more
> errors than now, and if so, how?

I meant I saw it while looking at the Tulip driver source.

If you load the driver with "tulip_debug" set to 2, it should log
transmit errors.  (However, it may also log lots of other stuff, too,
which could slow things down or fill your logs.)  Here's how to unload
and reload the driver with a different tulip_debug setting:

        ifdown eth0
        rmmod tulip
        modprobe tulip tulip_debug=2
        ifup eth0

There's no guarantee that the resulting log will actually tell you
anything useful, however.

Kevin Buhr <buhr@telus.net>

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