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Re: Debian Slow?

On Sat, 2004-03-06 at 07:16, Jens Benecke wrote:
> edward@murrell.co.nz wrote:
> > I'm starting to wonder how much difference gentoo's optimization actually
> > makes. The labs at uni where I'm writing this from have near identical
> > Kernel at labs is 2.4.25 versus 2.6.3 at home. Both use ReiserFS for /.
> > Labs use NFS for /home, versus second ReiserFS partion at home for /home/.
> > Any ideas? This is driving me insane. Even the CD-Rom mounts faster!
> /home on NFS makes Gnome/KDE etc. quite slow, because they keep writing
> cache files there, and NFS generally has worse access times (not
> necessarily data transfer rates) than harddisks.
> Try 'export KDEHOME=/local-home-dir/$USER/.kde' somewhere in your start
> scripts, this way the .kde dir will be created locally (but then you will
> only have that config locally, of course).
> 2.6 also has some hefty improvements in memory management, ReiserFS was
> optimized, etc. I have an Athlon 2600+ at home, 1G RAM, local 40G DMA-100
> disk, /home on network (server is a duron-650). Generally, the speed is
> comparable to my lab computer (P4-1800, 80G local disk, 512MB RAM). The
> software is the same, KDE 3.2-686-CVS compiled with optmizations and Debian
> unstable.

That's what I would have thought, but apparently, despite all that, my
machine, running 2.6.3, Local ReiserFS access to everything, and a
custom kernel was slower. Go figure.


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