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re:Re: base system, no x windows yet,HOW?


Thanks your reply!

It's said that the NIC network cards  of EPOX-8rda3g MB would be in function  under kernel 2.4.20. 
should I upgrade the current woody kernel to sarge and thus to set up networking and complet my debian installation? 

then from sarge , upgrading debian to Kernel 2.6.3?
should I download the kernel at (http://www.kernel.org)to make compilings?or elsewhere?

Best regards!


To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: Re: base system, no x windows yet,HOW?
From: Jonathan Schmitt <other.list@detla.de>
Date: Fri, 5 Mar 2004 18:12:07 +0100
In-reply-to: <[🔎] 1078501632_30782@flash9>
Message-id: <[🔎] 200403051812.07301.other.list@detla.de>
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References: <[🔎] 1078501632_30782@flash9>
User-agent: KMail/1.6


>At first I ventured into debian installation ( via networking)again,
>the embeded LAN chips(RTL8201BL , RTL8101L)  of current EPOX-8RDA3G   
> motherboard (nforce2 Ultra 400 +MCP   chipsets) can't be detected whatever
> kernel driver modules I set on.  

There is one driver in the current 2.6.3 Kernel, it's called "reverese 
engineered nforce ethernet support" which is most likely, what You've got.

>Now it's only a base system, I can login under console....    
>no x windows yet ,  what left packages should I download & install  under
>console ?is it possible to make  networking chips work and make rest of
>installation via network and upgrade kernel to latest 2.6.3? and how to do it
>under console with commands?   

The general idea would be to first install 2.6.3 by hand and have networking 
afterwards. However it is NOT suggested to do so, especially not with debian 
woody, as debian woody is not prepared for 2.6 series. In that case, it is 
suggested to update to debian testing (sarge) which is prepared.
downloading kernel sources by hand will not do the trick. You will need at 
least the bzip2 package along with the ncurses5-dev to run at least 
menuconfig (or face some sort of hell using make config). To find out, mark a 
2.4 kernel source in dselect and watch the dependencies it discoveres.
You could simplify Your live by getting to the next discounter and by a 
(presumably 10$) Realtek 8139 ethernet board, solving Your problems.
If You do not know how to recompile a kernel, You should surf to www.tldp.org 
and look there (or the appropriate document at debian.org, telling You how to 
do it the debian way). 
Once again, do NOT use 2.6 with woody unless You exactly know, what You're 

>do help me out! 
>do write me back ASAP!
these are considered rather unpolite...
I've got a very bad feeling about this.
-- Han Solo

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