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udev: managing /dev at boot? Debian package?

udev is now said to be "mature", which I interpret to mean it should be 
complete enough to use.

I've tested udev on my box.  It manages /udev just fine.  But what about 
managing /dev, right from boot?  Isn't there some initrd-type startup 
magic that's required, in order for udev to populate /dev with the 
necessary device files for booting?  Has anyone written a set of 
instructions for doing this?

Or is it good enough just to put a link to /etc/init.d/udev in the right 
place in /etc/rcS.d?  And if so, where is the right place?  (If you 
can't tell, I haven't tried this yet.)  The udev README says the startup 
script should be called immediately after /proc and /sys are mounted.  
Right now this happens in S10checkroot.sh and S35mountkernfs, 
respectively.  So it might go at S37udev, right after S36hotplug.

Is anyone working on a Debian package for udev, that will include the 
necessary startup magic?


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