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Re: Joystick question

* Kevin Johnson <kjohnson@secureideas.net> [2004-02-17 23:14]:
> Hi-
> I need some help. actually I would like some<grin>  I just purchased a
> USB Gravis Gamepad pro to use with Xmame.  I downloaded the latest
> version and comiled it both as a normal x11 and the sdl versions of
> xmame.  Neither will see my gamepad.  If I run jstest --normal /dev/js0
> it sees the gamepad and lets me test it.  xmame displays an error that

In the xmame makefile, in the "Input Devices" section, you may need to
uncomment the joystick type you want (probably JOY_I386 = 1 for i386)

When running xmame, add the correct joystick type to your command line
(probably -jt 4)

You can probably set-up a ~/.xmame/xmamerc file that has your most
frequent command line options.

Have fun! xmame can take lotsa time off your hands.


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