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Where'd the fonts go?

I'm running Debian unstable and some time ago I lost most of my fonts. 
I keep hoping that it was a bug in a package, but a lot of time has
passed and nothing has improved.  I had a problem like this and the
problem was with my fonts.conf configuration, but when I check in
fonts.conf and local.conf, I see that the directories where fonts are
located are there.  I just can't select them in Gnome or any
application.  For example, I used to use Helvetica and doing a search I
can see helv###.pcf.gz in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi and
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts is listed in /etc/fonts/local.conf so why can't
I select Helvetica?  Is there an X configuration setting I'm missing or
something?  Any help would be very much appreciated.

                                    |       L    I  NN N  U U  X X  O
r.rati@attbi.com            2002-03 |       L    I  N NN  U U   X
Aka Khyron the Backstabber          |       LLL  I  N  N  UUU  X X  O
                                    |          Those who can, do.

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