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Re: PVR recomendations?

On Tue, 28 Dec 2004, Vineet Kumar wrote:

> * Alvin Oga (aoga@ns.Linux-Consulting.com) [041228 13:39]:
> > most cards after Dec 31, 2004 will no longer be legally able to 
> > record hdtv signals ( silly broadcast flag by the broadcast industry )
> According to the EFF, the cutoff is actually July 2005, so you have a
> few months yet.

donno.. when i was dealing with eff on which card to use,
that they wanted some cards for testing/playing/review, i understood
the deadline was end of the year.. maybe to pull it off the 
shelf might be longer ??

not worth the risk from them broadcast industry lawyers

personally, i don't see any harm in recording for ones own
entertainment ..


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