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Re: Synchronize two servers (warm backup)


On Thu, 23 Dec 2004, Carl Fink wrote:

> What I'm looking to do, in more detail, is keep two Woody-based servers
> functionally identical by having the backup server periodically grab web,
> mailing list, and mail files from the primary server. I want the backup
> system to be in full readiness to take over, so all I have to do is throw a
> DNS "switch" to have it become the server.  

"warm backups" is good ....
"(manually?) throw the dns switch" is good ...

- usually with things that go bad...
	- you notice AFTER its gone bad ...
	- you may or may not know PRECISELY why,how,when,who,what went bad  

- using rsync is bad because:
	- if main disk goes bonkers, you'd be rsync'ing suspect bad disk
	to the presumed good backup disks

- someone else wanted "incremental backups" ...
	- good idea ...
	- once an hour or once a day ... all changes are saved to the 
	backup, in addition to the "main rsync'd copy"
		main:/home/httpd ---> backup:/home/httpd  AND
				 ---> backup:/home/incremental/httpd

- someone else asked about raid1
	- raid1 is only good on the same server

	- if the powersupply dies or cpu fan dies, both raid1 disks
	are toast

	- if you're willing to gamble on network raid, or iscsi,
	or iata or ?? ... than "data" integretity testing is part
	of the "backup syncing strategy"

	- major problem with raid1 as sync/backups ...
		- rm -f anyfile  .... and in a few seconds,
		the data is gone from both disk

		- why is that considered a "backup" ?

		- if you made a mistake in deleting or upgrading,
		than you can not count on the mirror to recover from

- when using backups ...
	- if a cracker or in house newbie breaks into www,
	you'd want www.backup to be more SECURE and more uptodate

	- you do NOT want the cracker to be able to exploit the same
	hole to erase your backups
	( same hole could be as simple as "passwordless login"

	- gazillion ways to use backups

	- different possible exploits on different machines 
	is probably a good thing, but it makes for a major
	headache for maintenance, but minor/trivial if done "right"
	across any linux distro 

- any pre-made scripts ... probably a whole shitload of um
	- does it do "ALL" of what you want ?  probably not ..

	- does it worry about potential problems that it will
	avoid for you or does it do a blind/dumb copy

	- gazillion reasons why "manual switch" of dns is good

	- probably any laptop or palmtop sync mechanism will
	work ...

- i like the following 
	development machine updates production machine
	and at the same time, it also updates the backup machine
	AND it keeps a copy of ALL incremental changes

		- this assumes a full backup can be recreated
		3 different ways, just in case one full backup fails

- warm backups for web servers are trivial
  warm backups for mta are trivial ( use MX )
  warm backups for pop servers  are little tricky, in how to
	delete emails that were already read, from all the other
	backup pop server

	- if one uses a backup server, that is a single point
	of failure ... which does not solve the "warm backup"

  warm backup of backup end data ... tricky but fun ...
	- ie ... you have you play back the transaction logs
	and NOT just copy the db files around with say rsync

c ya

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