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Re: And Now for My Next Frustration - The Printer

On Tue, Dec 21, 2004 at 12:14:30AM -0800, Scarletdown wrote:
> When I do a test page (this is from the KDE Control Panel), a message 
> pops up saying that the page was successfully sent to the printer.  But, 
> that is obviously false, as the printer does nothing at all.  Is there 
> anything else I need to install or configure to get this thing to work?

Did you install hpoj?

Use http://localhost:631 (the cupsys web interface) to print a test 
page.  Make sure cups is working, then make sure KDE can talk to it.

Did you go to linuxprinting.org and see if your exact model is 
supported? and read the notes for it?  and create/use the right ppd?

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