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[partly SOLVED, but ... ] Re: udev and gnome-volume-manager not working in Sarge

Apparently, _H. S._, on 13/12/04 21:06,typed:
I am using Sarge with a kernel 2.6.7-1-686. I have udev and hotplug and gnome-volume-manager. However, I do not get an icon automatically when I plug in a USB stick. In the other two machines in my home LAN, in which I am running Sid, I can get the icon consistently.

In this machine, running Sarge, I set up udev the same way as in other machines. Sometimes (rarely) when I plug in the USB stick I do get the icon on the desktop and it gets automatically mounted. Also, this hasn't happened for a few days now. Usually, it happens only if I insert the USB stick for the first time after reboot.

But syslog shows that it sees USB insertion and de-pluggin events consistently. I also get the links made in /dev as I have specified in udev rules files for the USB stick I have. The only thing that does not happens is that the icon does not appear on the desk and it does not get mounted automatically (just as if gnome-volumen-manager is not seeing the stick). I have tried it in 2.6.9 kernel as well, but it doesn't work there even. Any idea what I am missing here?

#> dpkg -l udev hotplug *dbus* gnome-volume-manager | grep ^ii
ii  udev           0.048-2        /dev/ management daemon
ii  hotplug        0.0.20040329-1 Linux Hotplug Scripts
ii  dbus-1         0.22-3         simple interprocess messaging system
ii dbus-glib-1 0.22-3 simple interprocess messaging system (GLib-b ii python2.3-dbus 0.22-3 simple interprocess messaging system (Python ii gnome-volume-m 1.0.2-4 GNOME daemon to auto-mount and manage media


That automatic mounting of a USB stick when plugged in and appearance of an icon on Gnome desktop is maybe partly solved. I did this by modifying the udev rule which is responsible for the USB stick so that it makes the device node in /dev of "hal" group. The rule is: BUS="usb", KERNEL="sd*", SYSFS{product}="JUMPDRIVE ELITE", NAME="hs-jd-%k", SYMLINK="hs-jd-usb", MODE="0660", GROUP="hal"

This rule, coupled by the following line /etc/fstab
/dev/hs-jd-usb  /media/usbstick auto    rw,user,noauto  0       0

mounts the USB stick when it is plugged in and gnome-volume-manager also gives it's icon on the desktop. So that "hal" in the udev rule seems to have done the trick.

However, when I unplug the USB stick, it is not unmounted automatically. I have to do it myself. Earlier, it was unmounting automatically upon unplugging. If I do unplug the stick without unmouting it, the icon on the desktop stays and I cannot make it go away unless I do "umount /media/usbstick" as root. Is there something that I have to do to accomplish this?


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