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----- Original Message ----- From: "Andrea Vettorello" <andrea.vettorello@gmail.com>
To: "Debian Users" <debian-user@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Wednesday, December 15, 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: udev and gnome-volume-manager not working in Sarge

On Tue, 14 Dec 2004 23:50:51 -0500, H. S. <greatexcalibur@yahoo.com> wrote:
Apparently, _Andrea Vettorello_, on 14/12/04 14:34,typed:
> On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 21:06:50 -0500, H. S. <greatexcalibur@yahoo.com> > wrote:
>>I am using Sarge with a kernel 2.6.7-1-686. I have udev and hotplug and
>>gnome-volume-manager. However, I do not get an icon automatically when >>I
>>plug in a USB stick. In the other two machines in my home LAN, in which
>>I am running Sid, I can get the icon consistently.
>>In this machine, running Sarge, I set up udev the same way as in other
>>machines. Sometimes (rarely) when I plug in the USB stick I do get the
>>icon on the desktop and it gets automatically mounted. Also, this >>hasn't
>>happened for a few days now. Usually, it happens only if I insert the
>>USB stick for the first time after reboot.
>>But syslog shows that it sees USB insertion and de-pluggin events
>>consistently. I also get the links made in /dev as I have specified in
>>udev rules files for the USB stick I have. The only thing that does not
>>happens is that the icon does not appear on the desk and it does not >>get
>>mounted automatically (just as if gnome-volumen-manager is not seeing
>>the stick). I have tried it in 2.6.9 kernel as well, but it doesn't >>work
>>there even. Any idea what I am missing here?
> Do you have "pmount" installed and "gnome-volume-manager" running and
> registered in your Gnome session?
> Andrea

Before I answer your above queries, a little update. I rebooted my
machine this morning and the USB stick was being mounted and the icon
was being displayed properly on the desktop. Then I did an upgrade and
noticed gnome-volume-manager (and probably hal) got upgraded. Since
then, I again lost the USB stick automatic mounting and the icon on the
desktop :(

pmount is installed:
$> dpkg -l pmount | grep ^ii
ii  pmount         0.4.3-1        mount removable devices as normal user

And gnome-volume-manager is running:
$> ps uax | grep gnome-vol
me   5768  0.0  2.6 17684 6868 ?        Ss   23:41   0:00
gnome-volume-manager --sm-client-id default5

I am not sure what "registered in gnome session" means though(?) Maybe
this is the culprit.

I was meaning that your "gnome-volume-manager" needs to be started by
you if not "registered" in your gnome session (check from the Gnome
menu: Applications -> Desktop Preferences -> Advanced -> Session), and
from the ps output seems that is started from the session manager (the
--sm-client-id in the snippet above).

Looking in your previous post, you don't mention the "hal" package...


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