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Re: Linux Router

Captain's Log, stardate Mon, 13 Dec 2004 17:31:18 -0600, from the fingers of Michael Madden came the words:
> Thanks for all the advice.  I guess something like
> LRP appealed to me more since it was floppy based
> and didn't require setting up a distro with many
> unneeded utilities. Does anyone know of an active
> floppy based firewall (Linux or *BSD)?

OpenBSD is what i would most recommend. It can be installed from two floppies and fully customised. (www.openbsd.org) I _really_ love PF. Others may disagree. I've never had any problems with Linux firewalling / NATing / IP Forwarding for as long as i can remember, but i prefer OpenBSD simply because it only installs exactly what you tell it to from the time you put the floppy in (which some other people would have a problem with) and it's very low maintenance. The only time i ever needed to shut down an OpenBSD machine is when i was moving office. So far I've never needed to upgrade any hardware (probably because it doesn't do much work anyway).

# du -h pf.conf
2.0K    pf.conf

There's a Great man who once said "Donuts - Is there anything they can't do?" (Homer Simpson). Maybe when PF can be used as a contraceptive we can say that too!

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