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Re: need time in nano seconds

On Mon, 2004-12-13 at 19:59 +0530, Micheal Mukherji wrote:
> Hello,
> Kindly excuse me for posting this on debian thread...I dont know
> whether it is apt or not, but as I am using Debian, I am posting
> this..
> Can somebody tell me how I can get time elapsed in nanoseconds
> (possibly a function)?
> I have looked at the date command, but it is getting overflown with in
> a couple of seconds, so on a second probe I dont know how many times
> it has overflown...
> I also googled for it, but all it was showing was links to RTLinux pages.
> Having got dismayed, I am posting on this list.
> If somebody knows, please let me too.
> Thanks in anticipation.

Not even the VAX and Alpha (which use a signed 64 bit timer, with
an epoch of 17-Nov-1858 00:00:00.000, does nanosecond.  It's timer
is 100ns ticks.

Maybe when the Linux timer uses 64 bits, then we'll get nanosecond

Remember, though, that a ns is 1 billionth of a second, and so a
3GHz CPU will onll does 3 cycles in a ns.  Unless you are coding
to the bare metal with a *minimal* OS, like DOS, you can't do
anything useful in 3 clock ticks.

After all, memory access takes, what, 60ns?

You'll probably need really specialized hardware.  An atomic clock
comes first to mind.

Ron Johnson, Jr.
Jefferson, LA USA
PGP Key ID 8834C06B I prefer encrypted mail.

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