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Re: Possibly OT: Postfix stopped working (firestarter problem???)

Dan Roozemond <dan <at> banaan.org> writes:
> > 
> > I have this strange problem that Postfix stopped working all of a
> > sudden. Actually, it does work locally but remotely, both sending and
> > receiving don't work. And this seems to (or could) be more of 
> > a problem
> > with my firewall (firestarter) than that of postfix. Because even as I
> > have allowed connections to SMTP port (25), the internet port scanner
> > programs see that port in stealth mode. And I don't understand how my
> > firewall would stop postfix from sending email (since its now 
> > blocked).
> It could be the case that your ISP all of a sudden decided it is a very bad
> idea to have a mailserver, and thus decided to block all incoming traffic to
> port 25, and all outgoing traffic to port 25. This would at least explain
> why internet port scanners see port 25 in stealth mode. It appears this is
> kind of common practice since various worms and viruses contain their own
> mailserver.
> HTH,
> Dan
Hi Dan,

Thank you for your answer, unfortunately you're quite right :( It didn't even
cross my mind until I read your mail and checked the homepage of my ISP, and
there it stood, the announcement of blocking the port 25. That sucks, but I
guess there's not much I can do except change my ISP...

Anyhow, thank you, very helpful,


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