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Driver for Motherboard with SiS 620 video chipset and HT8338A/PCI sound


	I've got a PC with a fairly recent motherboard: a Slot 1 M748mr. This
MB is a real pizza with everything on it, which is my problem. I have
installed slink without too much trouble except two difficulties for which,
after over a week of tentatives, I would like some guidance: video and sound.
I have installed WindoseNT 4.0 just to test the hardware since it came with the
drivers. It works perfectly.


	The MB has a SiS 620 chipset that uses 8M from the main memory. I have
got a driver from Suse (XFCom_SiS) that I was able to get up and running at
8bpp, which is just acceptable but very frustating. Is there anyone with such
a MB that has succeded in getting true colors or at least 16bpp? I have played
with  several parameters that are listed in the XFCom_SiS readme file. Basically
there is no combination that works unless I specify an Option "no_linear".
Without it, either the server crashes, locks the PC, gives a large square cursor
or a nice one but then no text. The table below shows the combinations I tried.
Now, with Option "no_linear", the server works only at 8bpp.

Without no-linear option:

noaccel no_bitblt no_imageblt sw_cursor hw_cursor fast_vram        Effect
   N        N         N           N         N         N       SqCur, NoText
   N        N         N           Y         N         N       XCur, NoText
   N        N         N           Y         N         Y       XCur, NoText
   N        N         N           N         Y         Y       SqCur, NoText
   Y        N         N           N         N         Y       server CRASH
   Y        N         N           N         Y         Y       server CRASH
   Y        N         N           Y         N         Y       PC locks
   N        Y         N           Y         N         Y       XCur, FuzzyText
   N        Y         Y           Y         N         Y       XCur, FuzzyText
   Y        Y         Y           Y         N         Y       XCur, FuzzyText

With no-linear option:

noaccel no_bitblt no_imageblt sw_cursor hw_cursor fast_vram        effect
   N        N         N           Y         N         N       works fine
   N        N         N           N         Y         N       SqCur, Text OK
   N        N         N           Y         N         Y       works fine
   Y        N         N           Y         N         Y       works fine
   Y        N         N           N         Y         N       server CRASH

In this table, SqCur means large blank square (about 1x1cm**2), XCur means
the normal X-shaped cursor, NoText means that the menus don't show the text
(they are blank but they work), FuzzyText means that the text and any line
looks fuzzy: it looks duplicated.


	The MB has a chip on which I can read "PCI Sound Pro HT8338A/PCI HRTF
3DX AUDIO". lspci finds a "Multimedia audio Controller: C-Media Electronics Inc:
unknown device 0100 (rev 10)". The closest thing I found is a reference to a
CMI8330 board or chipset in the ad1848.c module in kernel 2.2.5. I compiled
successfully  a 2.2.5 kernel and the modules. Then I tried to load this
module but it requires IRQ, DMA and IO parameters which are not available
in the documentation. Has anyone around been able to get some sound, even noise,
out of such a configuration?

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