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Re: Kaffe complains I'm using the wrong language

Hendrik Boom <hendrik <at> pooq.com> writes:

> Am I doing something wrong?  Or is there a problem with the way kaffe has been
set up for Debain?
> When I try to compile a bunch of .java files, it tells me
> javac -classpath classes -sourcepath server:tactics -d classes server/Game.java
> server/GameFactory.java GamePort.java GameClient.java server/GameServer.java
> tactics/Character.java tactics/Const.java tactics/Game.java tactics/Maps.java
> tactics/TacticsClient.java tactics/action/Action.java tactics/action/Move.java
> at.dms.util.InconsistencyException: Wrong source language in options
>    at at.dms.kjc.KjcEnvironment.getSourceVersion (KjcEnvironment.java:80)
>    at at.dms.kjc.Main.run (Main.java:121)
>    at at.dms.kjc.Main.compile (Main.java:70)
>    at at.dms.kjc.Main.main (Main.java:61)
> I haven't specified a source language, except as .java file types, and I
thought kaffe was suppoed to be a
> java compiler.

Kjc is a little weird :) It doesn't understand the -sourcepath option, it
misinterprets it for -source.

dalibor topic

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