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Re: cgiemail installs owned by root in /usr/lib/cgi-bin

Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
I noticed that when installing cgiemail it is set  as owned by root,
same as other scripts simultaneously installed in /usr/lib/cgi-bin
I figure this is right, I would be surprised if i were the first
finding a bug, but I don't see why it makes it safer than installing
it as owned by www-data:www-data. Can anyone answer this? Are all the
scripts here supposed to belong to root?

That prevents a compromised web server/script from overwriting some script.

Same is generally a good idea for anything that the web server needs to access but has no valid reason to modify.

Note that files can be either owned by root:whatever and be word readable (644) or owned by root:www-data and set group readable (640). Setting them owned by www-data:www-data with no write permisions (440) is useless as a compromised script can eassily chmod it to whatever it likes.

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