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Re: Installer for Woody hangs


First of all I am no expert on this but perhaps I can help...

On Fri, 2004-11-26 at 22:14, Rothwellc9@aol.com wrote:
> Hello I have an installation related problem with debian 3(Woody). I
> am totally new to linux
> and have probably done something stupid ,but very early in the
> installation process the installer hangs. My machine has a Pentium 4,
> an Intel D915G motherboard,1 hard disk and a CDROM .
>    Your first IDE hard disk is not connected as the primary master
> device
>    (/dev/hda). To get around this most BIOS setups enable emulation so
> that the 
>    first disk is seen as IDE-0 in the boot environment. This emulation
> cannot
>    be detected by Linux or LILO. However,we can define /dev/hde as the
> first 
>    hard disk in the LILO configuration to allow LILO to take advantage
> of the
>    emulation. Would you like to enable the mapping?"

I believe this answers your question: your hard disk appears to be
attached to the secondary master cable.  IIRC you can connect two IDE
cables to most motherboards, both of these have three connectors: on on
the motherboard side and two on the other side.  This allows you to
connect 4 devices. e.g. hard disk, cd-rom, cd-rw, ...

What I understand from the error-message above is that you haven't
connected any (working) device on the primary cable (as master, which
usually is the connector 'at the end' of the cable.).

This could mean that you have two hard disks of which one is broken.  Or
that you need to plug the cable into the other slot on your
motherboard.  Make sure to read your hardware documentation before
trying this!  Or better yet ask someone with experience to look into

> Why does linux set my hard disk to hde and not hda? And is there
> anything I can do about it?

Apparantly your BIOS has a way to fool that other OS into believing your
hard is connected to the 'usual' device.  As you didn't specify whether
or not you enabled the mapping the installer mentioned I cannot tell
whether something is wrong with the mapping or that enabling this will


# Mertens Bram "M8ram"   <bram-mertens@linux.be>   Linux User #349737 #
# SuSE Linux 8.2 (i586)     kernel 2.4.20-4GB      i686     512MB RAM #
#  5:58pm  up 14 days  8:41,  10 users,  load average: 1.07, 0.46, 0.16 #

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