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Re: LVM and lilo and kernel 2.6.8

On Wed, 17 Nov 2004, andreas.sumper@nimbus.at wrote:
> I have a system running sarge with 2 SATA - disks configured with lvm.

Your problem is not LVM. Ignore it (unless your root is on LVM, in which
case, *all* your kernels better have initrd images capable of booting off a
LVM root).  This is a separate issue from anything LILO-related.

> I installed kernel-image 2.6.8-1-686 and everything worked fine. But now I 
> need to start my old kernel (2.4.27 that is), which still resides in my 
> /boot - partition.

SATA disks under libata (2.4.27 for most controllers, 2.4.28-pre1 for Intel
ICH, and everything in 2.6.8) show up as scsi disks.  Unless the controller
is in some weird "legacy compatibility" mode.

Switch your 2.4.x kernel to 2.4.28-rc3, with libata support.

> But when I change /etc/lilo.conf and type lilo -t I get:
> Fatal: open /dev/hdc: No such device or address

Try /dev/sd(a|b), depending if you want to access the first or second SATA

> I decided to tell lilo to use /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 as shown above by using 
> -b, but all I get is the following:

It is a good thing LILO is smarter these days.  Given the amount of
misleading documentation that tells people to install lilo boot sectors
inside their filesystems, it is no wonder it had to.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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