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Re: pam/sshd question: allowing a user to try logging in more than once

Michael Sims wrote:

Are your users using PuTTY?  For me, the problem only manifests itself with
PuTTY, connecting from every other SSH client I tried gave the expected
behavior (3 password requests).
Actually, that seems to be the case here as well. I mostly use PuTTY, so I hadn't even tried to connect from another client. Maybe this is a PuTTY bug, then?

Here's an oddity. When I use OpenSSH's command line client in Cygwin, there's still a noticeable difference in output between talking to a Debian server and a Fedora one:


Jeremy@jeremy-bexv1nyb:~$ ssh jeremy.brown@debianbox
Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive).


Jeremy@jeremy-bexv1nyb:~$ ssh jeremy.brown@fedorabox
jeremy.brown@fedorabox's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
jeremy.brown@fedorabox's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
jeremy.brown@fedorabox's password:
Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).

Perhaps getting PAM to spit out this extra data would be more, eh, amiable to PuTTY? It is PAM that generates these "Password:" lines, right?

Maybe someone on comp.security.ssh would have an answer?
I can try. Is comp.security.ssh more general ssh questions, or mostly OpenSSH-specific? If the former (and no one on debian-user has an answer), I'm more inclined to move this to OpenSSH, PAM, or PuTTY user/developer lists.



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