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Re: At my wits end with waproamd

I'm no expert on waproamd, but I've got it working (sort of):

On (09/11/04 05:58), Nate Bargmann wrote:
> I'm at a hotel with "free wireless" and I'm having a devil of a time
> getting anything to work.  I am using waproamd which seems to be able
> to associate with one of seven APs it finds on site.  So far, so good.
> I have the following line in /etc/network/interfaces:
> iface ath0 inet dhcp

and hotplug is not instructed to start ath0, and the
/etc/network/interfaces stanza has no "auto" line for ath0 or at
least looks like this (substituting ath0 for wlan0, of course),
complete with "#" before the auto line?

    #auto wlan0
     iface wlan0 inet dhcp
> and all the other scripts under /etc/waproamd/* are the package
> defaults.

and /etc/defaults/waproamd.conf resembles this?
    ARGS="-e -w -M --scan-interval=3000 --poll-interval=3000 -U"
> The first major problem is that I am using pump for a dhcp client and
> watching the syslog output I can see that pump is being called via
> ifup, but it fails each time.  However, if I manually run:
> pump -i ath0
> then it succeeds and I get an IP address and DNS addresses.  How can I
> force the -i ath0 option through the interfaces file?  My guess is that
> pump is just being called without arguments and is defaulting to eth0
> which I'm not using right now.

I'm no help with pump, since I use dhcp3.

> Lastly, how can I direct the scripts to run the script to reconfigure
> my firewall once the IP addresses are set via dhcp?

Might be easier to set up iptables with separate lines for all the
interfaces you ever use?  There's probably a more elegant way to do
it, of course.  But here's an excerpt from /etc/init.d/myiptables.rules:

	   /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i ! eth0 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 
	   /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i ! wlan0 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 
	   /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i ! eth1 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 
	   /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -i ! br0 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 

The br0 line is for a bridge that links eth0 (ethernet) and wlan0
(wireless) so that the laptop is connected if either one works.  See
the Enabling Ethernet Bridging section of 

> Perhaps it's just too early in the morning and I can't sleep, but I'm
> not making any sense of the scripts included with waproamd and how to
> bend them to my will.  The dearth of comprehensive documentation in the
> package and that found by Google has added to my frustration this
> morning.  Any and all examples are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> - Nate >>

I repeat, I'm no expert.  But maybe this will help, if only in
provoking someone who understands better to write back and help us both?

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