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Re: Courier-imap with Postfix: folders don't work correctly

It isn't necessary to copy me (or anyone else) personally, just the list is

On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 10:45:29AM +0200, Andrei Badea wrote:

> I'm not sure it's possible to have folders outside Inbox in maildir (I 
> think maildir just works that way). 

I found this in the Courier FAQ:

"IMAP servers are free to define any root of the folder namespace tree that's
convenient for them. Courier's IMAP server uses INBOX as the folder
namespace root, rather than the root hierarchy itself."

IOW, it's a characteristic of Courier, not Maildir.

See <http://www.courier-mta.org/FAQ.html#namespace>.

> However, if you want to see your custom folders at the same level as Inbox
> in Thunderbird, you can. Open the account settings, go to Server Settings
> - Advanced - IMAP and fill "INBOX" in the IMAP server directory text box.
> This setting strips the "INBOX" that every maildir folder name starts
> with.

Thanks for the tip.  However, I don't personally have a problem (and I
wouldn't use Thunderbird, I'm a mutt fan).  I'm trying to get it set up for
other people, who seem to use (as you might expect) over 50% Outlook.
Carl Fink             carl@fink.to
Jabootu's Minister of Proofreading

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