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Re: SBL/XBL & Spamassassin

Incoming from Robert Vangel:
> I do not know the complete ins-and-outs of how SBL/XBL blacklists how, 
> or even how to configure a MTA/spam filter to use them, which is what my 
> email is about.
> Basically, I have seen a bit of discussion from other lists about 
> SpamHaus, and how good their SBL/XBL filtering is, and was wondering how 
> to configure my SpamAssassin to use it.

I don't know about SA, but check the archives at lists.debian.org,
debian-security, for the thread, "OT, spam tips."  Only days ago,
someone (Michelle Konzac) posted procmail recipes that pass each
incoming mail by these bl's.  Perhaps you can use them?

Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced.
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