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Re: why my atp can not find the file?

Brett Kelly wrote:

The best way would be to download the package itself

so I can dowload it via ftp? Does it meather where I store it? Packages have an *.deb extentions?

and install it
using dpkg, like:

dpkg -i packagename.deb

(as root)


On Thu, 28 Oct 2004 21:40:45 -0500, Eduard Breuer
<ed_breuer@austrialpinusa.com> wrote:
I am tryining to get my printserver to work and for that I neet to
"apt-install" gs-esp package, if I understand it right.
Today I did ftp to the server and indeed the files are there.
How ever I did get a message yesterday : Could not find package gs-esp
(or something like that).

I googled on the debian web site and tried to find the recommended package.
there is an ftp link:

how do I get this file dowloaded by my apt?

Here is what I played with:

I edited the /etc/apt/source.list file but I do not know the right
synatax. I alsways get and can not open or can not find message  for
this server no mather what kind of combination I try when I rub apt-update.

Please help me get my gs-esp file downloaded and also give an advice how
to add it there properly, please. For future reference.
Thank you.

does anybody knows how the link to the mentioned deb file should look like in the source.list?


fn:Eduard  Breuer
org:Matrosh Inc - AustriAlpinUsa
adr;dom:;;515B N 14th street;DeKalb;IL;60115
tel;work:847-668-4681 (7am-8pm/ Mo-Fri)

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