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LDAP on Sarge trouble

I'm trying to set up a small LDAP database on Sarge to replace a Woody installation. The version is OpenLDAP 2.1.30-3, simple authentication, no certificates, nothing exotic.

I'm getting this error with ldapadd -v .... run on localhost (default port):

ldap_bind: Can't contact LDAP server (81)

With slapd logging at 255 I see this:

Oct 27 15:34:10 debian slapd[2354]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
Oct 27 15:34:10 debian slapd[2354]: daemon: new connection on 11
Oct 27 15:34:10 debian slapd[2354]: daemon: closing 11
Oct 27 15:34:10 debian slapd[2354]: daemon: activity on:
Oct 27 15:34:10 debian slapd[2354]:
Oct 27 15:34:10 debian slapd[2354]: daemon: select: listen=6 active_threads=0 tvp=NULL

So ldapadd is finding the server, but the contact is immediately closed. The admin password is correct because I can connect without problems and modify records using it with LDAPExplorerTool running on a Windows machine. Partial log then:

Oct 27 15:39:26 debian slapd[2354]: daemon: activity on 1 descriptors
Oct 27 15:39:26 debian slapd[2354]: daemon: new connection on 11
Oct 27 15:39:26 debian slapd[2354]: str2filter "(objectclass=*)"
Oct 27 15:39:26 debian slapd[2354]: begin get_filter
Oct 27 15:39:26 debian slapd[2354]: PRESENT
Oct 27 15:39:26 debian slapd[2354]: end get_filter 0

/etc/slapd.conf is pretty much the same as the one on Woody, except that the Woody one contains the rootdn and password, whereas this was placed straight into the Sarge database by the Debian installer. I can see the admin record and encrypted password with LDAPExplorerTool. The ldapadd command is in a small script which runs OK on the Woody installation (OpenLDAP 2.0.23-6.3). Nothing else on the machine is producing log entries.

I'm sure there's a simple answer to this. Does anyone know what it is, or how to persuade either slapd or ldapadd to provide some useful information?

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